4 Things You Must Do Before Starting A Property Renovation

Renovating a property can be an extremely exciting time for anyone, whether you work in construction or not. But, for some, it is difficult to know where to begin. So, after our time renovating many properties across the nation, we are going to share with you 4 things you must do before renovating any property!

Review Your Space
Spend a large amount of time looking and reviewing the space that you are working with. You do not want to go with the first idea that comes to your mind as this may not always be the best. The more times you view the property before the project begins, the more ideas you will come to you. Making it more likely you will find an amazing idea that you may have missed otherwise.

Set A Budget
Renovating a property can become extremely expensive, we’ve now learnt from our previous mistakes. You should always set a realistic budget for your project and stick to it as best as you can. This way you will not go majorly over budget, and not be able to complete your project.

Know Your Time Frame
When starting a renovation project, you should always have a clear time frame in mind that you want to work towards. Setting targets for every stage of your project will help to ensure you meet your ideal deadline. From experience, it is easy to go over your ideal completion date by months when clear deadlines are not set.

Know Who You Are Working With
Finally, you should conduct in-depth research into everyone that is going to be working with you on your project. You should know how they are with their timings, are they likely to meet the completion deadline? Will the suppliers always deliver on time? Knowing all of the facts before you begin is key for your planning process, ensuring everyone is hired for the right day and time.